Switzerland Celebrates with Events All Over the Country
National celebration 2023
175 years of the Federal Constitution:
keynote speaker, former National Councilor and party president Regula Rytz
The Parliamentary Services of the Federal Assembly are responsible for the overall project management of the country-wide anniversary activities of the Swiss Parliament in Bern. These activities have the motto “1848 – an unbelievable story” and are supported by the Federal Council and the Federal Department of Justice and Police (FDJP), which it has declared responsible.
How did the Federal Constitution come about? How did the rural population live in the 1840s? How did the last war on Swiss soil come about and what significance did it have for the development of today's Switzerland?
"Conscientious objection with a gender perspective in the health sector. The Mexican Constitution experience"
As a result of what professors Navarro Valls and Martínez Torrón have called the "big-bang" of conscientious objection, various groups have engaged in a career of strategic litigation confronting human rights, especially with allegations of non-discrimination vs. religious freedom. The women's rights movement has reached its apex relatively recently in Latin America, stimulating various social movements that have had repercussions in the academic sphere, especially through studies with a gender perspective, which have been echoed in the legal, political, and legislative spheres, with a special impact on the health sector. In this context, the elements of conscientious objection in the medical field are presented, as well as its regulation in international law.
Dr. Cecilia Palomo is a lecturer specializing in human rights and gender perspective, Vice President of the Mexican Bar Association in Aguascalientes, Member of the International Association of Women Judges, Associate of the UNESCO Chair on Futures Literacy, and Professor at the Federal Judiciary Government in Mexico. She has been a lecturer in seminars related to human rights in America, Africa, Asia, and Europe.
A Presentation on "The Evolution and Implementation of Environment Rights" a special for World Constitution Day 2023
Presentation by Professor James R. May
James R. May is Distinguished Professor of Law and co-Founder of the Dignity Law Institute and Founder of the Environmental Rights Institute at Widener University Delaware Law School, United States of America (USA). May is also Adjunct Professor of Graduate Engineering and inaugural and immediate past Chief Sustainability Officer at Widener University, where he founded the Widener Sustainability Initiative.
May is the author, co-author, editor or co-editor of a dozen books, author or co-author of three-dozen book chapters, four-dozen law review articles, and five-dozen other works of published legal scholarship.
Constitutions of USA and Brazil
A discussion of the differences and similarities of these two important constitutions of the world's two leading democracies.
Dr. Luiz Fernando Rodrigues Pinto Junior
Attorney of Justice, Current Special Secretary for Electoral Affairs of the Office of the Attorney General of Justice of the Public Ministry of the State of São Paulo, Brazil
Time: August 1st and anytime thereafter
Forty Five Years of the Second Republican Constitution of Sri Lanka: The Consolidation of Authoritarianism in the Service of Capital
Background: A student of comparative constitutionalism would learn that Sri Lanka constitutional history is an example of how written constitutions could be instruments of power for authoritarian regimes and near dictatorships, serving the interests of the market. As described in the presentation, the past half a century of Sri Lankan history is the history of two written constitutions: the constitution of 1972 and of 1978. Under these two republican constitutions, Sri Lankan working people and the poor of all ethnicities bore the brunt of two insurgencies that were crudely crushed, and one racist civil war that lasted close to three decades victimizing lives of hundreds of thousands, not to mention a series of instances of discrimination and violence against ethnic minorities and the working class who fought for better living conditions.
Bio: Sanjaya Wilson Jayasekera, LL.B, LL.M, is an Attorney-at-Law, practicing in Colombo, Sri Lanka. He is a human rights activist and a journalist. He is the editor of theRepublic.LK website and the author of the book titled, 'Neoliberal Constitutionalism and the Austerity State: the Resurgence of Authoritarianism in the Service of Market.' He is a lecturer of Sri Lanka Law College, teaching Constitutional Law.
Youtube link to presentation for World Constitution Day
The Importance of the Public Budget for the Good Fruition of Fundamental Human Rights
Special Presentation by Marcelo Figueiredo for World Constitution Day
Overview: Budget planning is what necessarily determines the implementation of public policies and, through these, the realization of fundamental rights by the State. The discussion draws attention to the dynamics that govern the legislative elaboration of the budget and the tensions that exist between the Legislative Branch and the Executive Branch from the perspective of public expenditure planning.
Bio: Lawyer and legal consultant in São Paulo. Associate Professor of Constitutional Law at the Faculty of Law of PUC-SP where he was director in two successive administrations. He is president and founder of the Brazilian Association of Democratic Constitutionalists (ABCD), of the Brazilian section of the Instituto Ibero-Americano de Derecho Constitucional with headquarters in Mexico. He is vice president of the International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL-AIDC).
Date: August 1, 2023
World Constitution Day Event
Pre-recorded Presentation especially for World Constitution Day 2023
Constitutional Dignity Rights
An examination of dignity-based rights, laws and the written constitution; a special for World Constitution Day 2023
Presentation by Professor James R. May
James R. May is Distinguished Professor of Law and co-Founder of the Dignity Law Institute and Founder of the Environmental Rights Institute at Widener University Delaware Law School, United States of America (USA). May is also Adjunct Professor of Graduate Engineering and inaugural and immediate past Chief Sustainability Officer at Widener University, where he founded the Widener Sustainability Initiative.
May is the author, co-author, editor or co-editor of a dozen books, author or co-author of three-dozen book chapters, four-dozen law review articles, and five-dozen other works of published legal scholarship.
Guests at Monticello can meet Thomas Jefferson (as portrayed by veteran historical actor-interpreter Bill Barker) in person. Widely recognized as the foremost interpreter of our nation's third President, Barker appears as Jefferson in regularly-scheduled programming, meeting with guests, answering questions, and bringing a deep and nuanced portrayal of the man who wrote "all men are created" and helped found the United States of America.
Hear Thos. Jefferson celebrate World Constitution Day
"Global Trends in Constitutionalism"
Dr. Tom Ginsberg, Professor of Law, The University of Chicago
Dr. Richard Albert, Department of Government
University of Texas Austin
Special for World Constitution Day
August 1, 2023
Professional Interpreter and actor of USA President James Madison
Writer / Director / Producer / Promoter / Actor
Historic performer Kyle Jenks will portray James Madison in this session. In character he will explain Madison’s major contributions to the United States Constitution as well as provide context with commentary on what led to his conclusions.
August 1st: Video Available To Watch Here
Nicholas Merlone speaks about the depth and breadth of Democracy and Constitutions.
Prof. Me. Nicholas Merlone, Guest Professor at the Postgraduate Course at the Senac University Center. Guest reviewer of scientific articles at the Federal District Court of Law. Master of Laws from Mackenzie Presbyterian University. Graduated in Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. Lawyer, Cultural Exchanger and Writer.
Date: August 1, 2023
Pre-recorded Presentation especially for World Constitution Day 2023
Albert Gallatin, Pennsylvania State Legislator - 1789-1793, 1794; US Representative from Pennsylvania - 1795-1801; Secretary of the Treasury 1801-1814
Overview- Historic performer, Ron Duquette, portrays Secretary of the Treasury Albert Gallatin in this informative and entertaining overview of the September, 1788 convention called in Harrisburg, PA to both protest the rapidity of the ratification of the US Constitution by Pennsylvania - which occurred as a result of the "delayed" notification of possible Western Pennsylvania delegates - to call for a new Constitutional Convention because of the lack of enumerated individual rights within the draft US Constitution. When the convention attempted to promote that approach, that is, throw out the whole thing and start all over, Albert Gallatin protested strongly. Gallatin's involvement with this movement identified him as "anti-federalist" (as opposed to an "anti-Federalist") - opposing the centralization of too much power at the center without securing the rights of the individual (although the second was what he became as he aligned himself more and more with Jefferson and, after a time, Madison - who had started, actually, as a Federalist).
August 1st
World Constitution Day Presentation
Watch This Video Below
Tax Reform and the Brazilian Constitution
Ives is Professor Emeritus of Universities Mackenzie, UNIP, UNIFIEO, UNIFMU, CIEE/O ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO, Army Command and General Staff Schools - ECEME, War Superior - ESG and Magistracy of the Federal Regional Court - 1st Region; Honorary Professor at Universities Austral (Argentina), San Martin de Porres (Peru) and Vasili Goldis (Romania); Doctor Honoris Causa of the Universities of Craiova (Romania) and PUCs-Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul, and Professor of the University of Minho (Portugal); President of the Superior Council of Law of FECOMERCIO - SP; Founder and Honorary President of the University Extension Center - CEU/International Institute of Social Sciences - IICS and former President of the Academia Paulista de Letras and the Institute of Lawyers of São Paulo.
Relations Between Domestic Law and International Law
Presentation by Professor Maristela Basso
Professor Maristela Basso is a Lawyer, Professor of International Law at the Faculty of Law of USP (University of São Paulo/SP), Doctor in International Law (Ph.D) and Associate Professor (Post-Doctor-Post-Ph.D) in International Law at the University of São Paulo. She is part of the List of Brazilian Arbitrators of the MERCOSUR Dispute Settlement System and the list of Panelists specializing in intellectual property of the Dispute Settlement System of the World Trade Organization - WTO. She is the author of dozens of books and hundreds of articles published in Brazil and abroad.
David Garrigus Productions
David Garrigus Productions, the acclaimed producer of documentary and educational programs, celebrates World Constitution Day with launch of film entitled 1787, The American Constitution.
David Garrigus Productions is making a historical feature film entitled “1787; The American Constitution”. The documentary features leading scholars and authors of 73 books on the Founding Era—winners of the Pulitzer Prize and National Humanities Medal. This non-partisan production brings to life the American Constitution’s 1787 original story through dramatic actor portrayals of the Framers— Washington, Madison, and Hamilton struggle against overwhelming odds to save their fledgling country from ruin.
This project is Director David Garrigus’ second major historical documentary after his acclaimed PBS two-hour film "Kitty Hawk: The Wright Brothers’ Journey of Invention" featuring Neil Armstrong and John Glenn.
"Global Impact Trailer"
This Global Impact Video explains how the American Constitution has impacted the rest of the world with many democracies having fashioned their constitution after the US Constitution in one way or another.
See Video Clip here:
Time: August 1st and anytime thereafter
Speaker: Francisco Rezek
Born in Brazil in 1944. Graduate in Law, Federal University of Minas Gerais. Docteur de l'Université de Paris-Sorbonne. Diploma in Law, University of Oxford. Honorary Fellow of Wolfson College. Professor of International Law and Dean of the Law Scholl, University of Brasilia. Professor and lecturer on International Law: Rio Branco Institute, The Hague Academy of International Law, Université de Paris, New York University, and all major Brazilian universities.
Formerly: Attorney-General of the Republic, Justice of the Supreme Court of Brazil, Chancellor (Foreign Minister) of Brazil, Judge at the International Court of Justice of the United Nations. Published works in Brazil, France, Belgium, England, Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland, Portugal, Serbia, Romania, Argentina, Uruguay
Speaker: Benjamin Franklin
Professional Interpreter and actor of Benjamin Franklin
Historic performer Barry Stevens will portray Benjamin Franklin in this session. In character he will explain Franklin's view of the United States Constitution as well as provide context with commentary on what led to his contribution.
August 1st: Video Available To Watch Here
Conference on Constitutional Change
This Conference is designed specifically for graduate students currently writing on subjects involving constitutional change, including formal and informal amendment, constitutional mutation, constitutional dismemberment, constitutional reform, constitutional replacement, and related subjects.
Contact Richard Albert | Professor in Law | Professor of Government, Director of Constitutional Studies | The University of Texas at Austin, Texas
Internet: https://www.richardalbert.com | Twitter: @richardalbert
First Amendment to the US Constitution
Jane Hampton Cook
It's World Constitution Day!
Author Jane Hampton Cook shares origin stories behind the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment in the Bill of Rights. These stories are adapted from her articles and books, especially Stories of Faith & Courage from the Revolutionary War.
Details at janecook.com
Time: August 1st and anytime thereafter
Dr. Lee Arnold
Dr. Lee Arnold discusses six earliest versions of the U.S. Constitution housed in the Historical Society of Pennsylvania's collection. Includes discussion of earliest wording of the constitution, methods of revision and drafts by James Wilson of Pennsylvania, who in his capacity as first Professor of Law at the University of Pennsylvania, he taught the first course on the new Constitution to President Washington and his cabinet in 1789 and 1790.
Dr. Lee Arnold, Senior Director of the Library & Collections and Chief Operating Officer, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia's Library of American History
Pre-recorded Presentation
Additional Info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Wilson_(founding_father)
Institut für Justizforschung (IJF) is celebrating World Constitution Day and the 175th anniversary of the Swiss Federal Constitution
On the occasion of the 175th anniversary of the Swiss Federal Constitution of 1848, the Obwaldner Institut für Justizforschung (IJF) is organizing a festive event together with the International Bundesbrief Society, Kaufmann Rüedi Attorneys at Law, and the University of Lucerne on November 16, 2023, to discuss and celebrate the common democratic and constitutional heritage of the United States and Switzerland.
The Obwalden Institute for Justice Research at the University of Lucerne (IJF) is the first university research facility in Switzerland dedicated to researching issues relating to the judiciary. The IJF deals with the judiciary in all its thematic breadth and complexity.
For more information (in German), please visit the IJF homepage.
Zambia Celebrates World Constitution Day
Today is World Constitution Day, a celebration of written constitutions around the world. To commemorate the day, we reiterate the call for a transparent and participatory constitutional reform process in Zambia.
Josiah Kalala has written about some of the legal-political and social contexts that necessitate constitutional reform in Zambia. Further, he looks at what a new constitution can do to address the challenges by focusing on the transformative potential of constitutions. He argues that views that the government shouId first focus on fixing the economy before it addresses constitution issues are misplaced because firstly, the economic, social, and legal challenges Zambia face cannot be delinked from the Constitution. Secondly, he argues that the process of reviewing the constitution is already underway and therefore, the time for transparency and participation is now. He conclude by calling for a transparent and participatory process that allows the people of Zambia to determine their own destiny.