"Global Trends in Constitutionalism"
Dr. Tom Ginsberg, Professor of Law, The University of Chicago
Dr. Richard Albert, Department of Government
University of Texas Austin
12PM-1PM (NYC/Toronto)
LIVE Zoom Event
All Welcome Live Zoom Event
Special for World Constitution Day
Monday, August 1, 2022
Register Here: https://utexas.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUrcOiorTIqHNQneI_9e4HH0CJaO3lwcIm5
Paulo Peixoto
Paulo Peixoto describes about the constitutional mutation in the Brazilian context, discussing two cases judged by the Brazilian Supreme Court. It's very important to reflect about the limit of constitutional interpretation.
Professor of Constitutional Law. Master in Political and Economic Law; Mackenzie Presbyterian University. Attorney at law. Legal Adviser
São Paulo – Brazil
Use this URL or Button Below
to Watch this YouTube Video
Eugenio D'Orio will be speaking on the topic of "Constitutional Rights and Request of Technical Analysis: An International Overview"
Mr. Eugenio D’Orio, MSc Forensic Biologist, is the General Director of Bio Forensics Research Center, an Italian private institute that performs research on the field of forensic biology. Since 2016 he is Teacher at the specializing course “Diagnostics & Forensic Genetics” offered by the University of Naples; since 2021 he has been Prof. a.C. of Forensic Biology at the Master's Degree Program in Veterinary Forensic Science offered by the University of Naples "Federico II"; since 2016 he is on the expert list of the Ministry of Justice for the forensic biology field; he is President of UniBioFor, Italian association of forensic biologists; since 2021 he is a Board Member of the European Society for Forensic Science and since 2021 he is certified as a specialist of
the Forensic Biology Survey in accordance with ISO 17024.
Join Live on Zoom!
August 1st, Monday
4pm to 5pm CET (Central European Time)
10am to 11am EST (Eastern Standard USA)
Slide Deck Here in DropBox:
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Cecilia Palomo will be speaking on the topic of
“Latin American Constitutions in the light of International Law of Human Rights”
It provides an introduction to the constitutional historical development in Latin America from colonization to democratic states and how has been the process of positivization of human rights in constitutions, making emphasis on the Mexican contributions to the region. It also gives an overview of the conventionality control in the jurisprudence of the Interamerican Court of Human Rights, concluding with some of the particular challenges faced by Mexico in the correct application of this figure.
Professor Cecilia Palomo is a lecturer specializing in human rights and gender perspective, Vice President of the Mexican Bar Association in Aguascalientes, Member of the International Association of Women Judges, Associate of the UNESCO Chair on Futures Literacy, and Professor at the Federal Judiciary Government in Mexico. She has been a lecturer in seminars related to human rights in America and Europe.
Slide Deck Here:
Guests at Monticello can meet Thomas Jefferson (as portrayed by veteran historical actor-interpreter Bill Barker) in person. Widely recognized as the foremost interpreter of our nation's third President, Barker appears as Jefferson in regularly-scheduled programming, meeting with guests, answering questions, and bringing a deep and nuanced portrayal of the man who wrote "all men are created" and helped found the United States of America.
Hear Thos. Jefferson celebrate World Constitution Day
Nicholas Merlone will speak about the History of the Brazilian Constitution.
Prof. Me. Nicholas Merlone, Guest Professor at the Postgraduate Course at the Senac University Center. Guest reviewer of scientific articles at the Federal District Court of Law. Master of Laws from Mackenzie Presbyterian University. Graduated in Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. Lawyer, Cultural Exchanger and Writer.
Date: August 1, 2022
World Constitution Day Event
Start Time: Pre-recorded Presentation especially for World Constitution Day 2022
Professional Interpreter and actor of USA President James Madison
Writer / Director / Producer / Promoter / Actor
Historic performer Kyle Jenks will portray James Madison in this session. In character he will explain Madison’s major contributions to the United States Constitution as well as provide context with commentary on what led to his conclusions.
August 1st: Video Available To Watch Here
Marcelo Figueiredo
Reflections on constitutions, the rule of law and democracy by Marcelo Figueiredo
Lawyer and legal consultant in São Paulo. Associate Professor of Constitutional Law at the Faculty of Law of PUC-SP where he was director in two successive administrations. He is president and founder of the Brazilian Association of Democratic Constitutionalists (ABCD), of the Brazilian section of the Instituto Ibero-Americano de Derecho Constitucional with headquarters in Mexico. He is vice president of the International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL-AIDC).
Date: August 1, 2022
World Constitution Day Event
Start Time: Pre-recorded Presentation especially for World Constitution Day 2022
Prabhpreet Singh
Assistant Professor at Manipal University, Jaipur
Prabhpreet Singh will speak on the topic of the " Living Tree Doctrine in Canada and Constitutional Morality in India". This important lecture brings a comparative study of Constitutional Morality & Living tree doctrine.
Date: August 1, 2022
World Constitution Day Event
Start Time: Pre-recorded Presentation especially for World Constitution Day 2022
Albert Gallatin, Pennsylvania State Legislator - 1789-1793, 1794; US Representative from Pennsylvania - 1795-1801; Secretary of the Treasury 1801-1814
Overview- Historic performer, Ron Duquette, portrays Secretary of the Treasury Albert Gallatin in this informative and entertaining overview of the September, 1788 convention called in Harrisburg, PA to both protest the rapidity of the ratification of the US Constitution by Pennsylvania - which occurred as a result of the "delayed" notification of possible Western Pennsylvania delegates - to call for a new Constitutional Convention because of the lack of enumerated individual rights within the draft US Constitution. When the convention attempted to promote that approach, that is, throw out the whole thing and start all over, Albert Gallatin protested strongly. Gallatin's involvement with this movement identified him as "anti-federalist" (as opposed to an "anti-Federalist") - opposing the centralization of too much power at the center without securing the rights of the individual (although the second was what he became as he aligned himself more and more with Jefferson and, after a time, Madison - who had started, actually, as a Federalist).
August 1st, 2022
World Constitution Day Presentation
Watch This Video Below
Karthik Shiva
Assistant Professor of Law at VIT School of Law, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, India.
Doctoral research student at the National Law Institute University, Bhopal, India.
Post-Graduate degree holder in Constitutional Law and Human Rights from the Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai, India.
August 1st, 2022
World Constitution Day Opinion
Dr. Luiz Fernando Rodrigues Pinto Junior
The Brazilian Electoral System is very peculiar, as the Judiciary Power is responsible for the elections, from the organization, through their inspection and until the final phase of taking care of the polls, vote counting and diplomacy of the elected. Here you can learn more about the electoral system in Brazil.
Attorney of Justice, Current Special Secretary for Electoral Affairs of the Office of the Attorney General of Justice of the Public Ministry of the State of São Paulo, Brazil
Time: August 1st and anytime thereafter
Olavo Caiuby Bernardes
Topic is "Interpreting the US Constitution" with some commentary and comparison to the Brazilian Constitution.
Olavo Caiuby Bernardes is an attorney and consultant licensed in Brazil, specializing in International Law. Professor having taught classes both in Portuguese and English in Constitutional Law, International Law, Comparative Law, Political Science, and Foreign Investments in Brazil. Legal English Teacher and English-Portuguese translator. Writer and Producer of Legal Content. Former Permanent Resident in the United States. Sat for the NY Bar Exam, in July 2012. Born in Rio de Janeiro, raised in São Paulo, was an exchange student in Melbourne, Australia, and has lived in Miami, Florida. Has practiced in firms in São Paulo, Miami and Belém do Pará.
Time: August 1st and anytime thereafter
Dario Picecchi
As the key legal document of a nation, the constitution is usually designed to be long-lasting and difficult to amend. However, not all constitutions are as static as one might think. In Switzerland, citizens have the unique opportunity to amend their constitution by means of a popular initiative. Consequently, the Swiss Federal Constitution can easily adapt to new developments.
The presentation will address the opportunities and challenges of the constantly evolving Swiss Federal Constitution.
Dr. iur. Dario Picecchi is a Swiss legal scholar and associate at Kaufman Rüedi Attorneys at Law.
Time: August 1st and anytime thereafter
David Garrigus Productions
David Garrigus Productions, the acclaimed producer of documentary and educational programs, celebrates World Constitution Day with launch of film entitled 1787, The American Constitution.
David Garrigus Productions is making a historical feature film entitled “1787; The American Constitution”. The documentary features leading scholars and authors of 73 books on the Founding Era—winners of the Pulitzer Prize and National Humanities Medal. This non-partisan production brings to life the American Constitution’s 1787 original story through dramatic actor portrayals of the Framers— Washington, Madison, and Hamilton struggle against overwhelming odds to save their fledgling country from ruin.
This project is Director David Garrigus’ second major historical documentary after his acclaimed PBS two-hour film "Kitty Hawk: The Wright Brothers’ Journey of Invention" featuring Neil Armstrong and John Glenn.
"Global Impact Trailer"
This Global Impact Video explains how the American Constitution has impacted the rest of the world with many democracies having fashioned their constitution after the US Constitution in one way or another.
See Video Clip here:
Time: August 1st and anytime thereafter
Mithiane Córdova de Oliveira
It's World Constitution Day and this presentation discusses the Brazilian Constitution and the enumeration of its Labor Related Rights.
Mithiane Córdova de Oliveira is an Attorney at law, legal English teacher and ESL teacher. Also is Director and company secretary at the Legal English Institute Thiago Calmon. She Majored in Law and is a Post-graduate holder in Constitutional Law. Master’s degree student in Law and Environmental Development.
Time: August 1st and anytime thereafter
Speaker: Benjamin Franklin
Professional Interpreter and actor of Benjamin Franklin
Historic performer Barry Stevens will portray Benjamin Franklin in this session. In character he will explain Franklin's view of the United States Constitution as well as provide context with commentary on what led to his contribution.
August 1st: Video Available To Watch Here
Jane Hampton Cook
It's World Constitution Day!
Author Jane Hampton Cook shares origin stories behind the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment in the Bill of Rights. These stories are adapted from her articles and books, especially Stories of Faith & Courage from the Revolutionary War.
Details at janecook.com
Time: August 1st and anytime thereafter
Juliana Cardoso Ribeiro Bastos
This presentation discusses the Brazilian Presidential System of Government and that the challenges of democracy in the Brazilian State are commonplace.
Juliana Cardoso Ribeiro Bastos is a lawyer graduated from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo in 2006. Master (2010) and Doctor (2021) in Constitutional Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. Professor of Constitutional Law at the undergraduate level at Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas and at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. Coordinator of the Constitutional Law Center of the Academic Law Commission of the OAB/SP (2017 to 2019). Effective member of the Human Rights Memory Nucleus, under the Permanent Commission on Human Rights (2019-2021). Member of the American Conference of Subnational Electoral Organisms for Electoral Transparency (CAOESTE). Coordinator of the Legal Practice Nucleus of the Law School of PUC-SP. Member of the Advisory Board of the Brazilian Institute of Constitutional Law (IBDC). Member of the Brazilian Academy of Electoral and Political Law (ABRADEP). Main production: The Economic Constitution and the Open Society of Interpreters.
Text Overview Here:
Time: August 1st and anytime thereafter
Dr. Lee Arnold
Dr. Lee Arnold discusses six earliest versions of the U.S. Constitution housed in the Historical Society of Pennsylvania's collection. Includes discussion of earliest wording of the constitution, methods of revision and drafts by James Wilson of Pennsylvania, who in his capacity as first Professor of Law at the University of Pennsylvania, he taught the first course on the new Constitution to President Washington and his cabinet in 1789 and 1790.
Dr. Lee Arnold, Senior Director of the Library & Collections and Chief Operating Officer, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia's Library of American History
Pre-recorded Presentation
Additional Info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Wilson_(founding_father)
An informative overview of the upcoming World Constitution Day events and celebrations in Barrie, Ontario, Canada.
David Bjorkman
Political Analyst, Economics Graduate, Canadian Politician - Ran for Premier of Alberta (2019) on the Legal Path to Independence. Currently Leader of the Canadian Constitutionalists Party
Topics include: Canadian Dismemberment, Redesign and Regional Design; a Discussion on the Crown Colonial Power; How to Take and Then Destroy Crown Legally in Favour of "We the People" Big "C" Codification